We, the Seniors & Boomers Services Alliance (SBSA), have made it our mission to help you with retirement and aging.


Do you have questions about how to smoothly transition from working to retirement?

Do your aging parents need assistance?

Whether you have concerns or questions about your health or your wealth; living at home or moving; end of life or estate planning, we have a professional who can help you to confidently navigate a path that is right for you.


Your Health & Wellness  Health becomes an increasingly important issue as the years progress.  You know that without your health, your quality of life and your ability to do the things you’re interested in will greatly diminish.  You can feel positive that you can get the professional and skilled assistance you need to take care of your health.


Your Wealth  Growing and protecting your wealth as you approach and enter into retirement is a key concern for most people.  Whether you have accumulated a good deal of wealth and want to protect it to support a comfortable retirement, need advice to help you leverage a more moderate portfolio, or want help to maximize the estate for your loved ones after you pass on, our team is here to help.


You and Your Home  What about your home? Your health, a desire to be closer to family, downsizing to simplify home maintenance demands, selling to free up funds to invest elsewhere, or simply following a dream to move to an ideal locale can all necessitate a change.  You can get the help you need to make the right decisions to ensure you live a healthy active life wherever you choose to live.


End of life services  You may not like to talk about it but you know it’s important and has to be take care of.  You can be assured that you and your loved ones will get the care they need as the time comes for making end of life decisions and arrangements.







Ask a question, seek advice or simply gain reassurance, email us today at Seniors.Boomers@gmail.com

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